Saturday, May 19, 2007

Human and Visual Comedy

Human and Visual Comedy

First laugh appears on the human’s life after two months from his birth.
The relation between human and smile or laugh or the manner of comedy get described by this quote: “Human, is a laugher animal, as he social animal”

This strong relation between human and laugh, joking, kidding, funny, comedy, or manner of comic, all these words with different specific meaning but they have common, that lead to good feelings for the human ,so from the beginning of the human life, has been two opposite main feelings in his sense, crying and laughing, sadness and happiness, tragedy and celebrating, and between these two options, always been tried to get the better option or choice, the happiness, and because the life is full of tragedy and sadness that lead to the cry and other sadness situation, people tried always to balance that and keep alright in their life, so they have the laugh.

And in all the periods and places, every mental person his upper target in this life get the perfect happy, and fight all the kind of tragedy and sadness, psychologists said that the laugh is trying to balance the life from the sadness and tragedy happening.

In the definition of the comedy, the reasonable of the laugh is: existence of two paradoxes, opposite, different subjects that in the ordinary life don’t exist, and this paradox leads to these laugh from the difference and strangely case.

And of course there are many conditions, to provide feeling of comedy for the audiences, first the comic gag takes place at relevant background of the people seeing, that let the audience communicate and get effected with it, for example he has to been known before the true or fact event, so when will see the paradox or the opposite the fact will get effected and laughs.

Second, the brain must has his rule in analyzing the gag and coming back to the real life and compare it with the reality, and get the pulse to laugh.

“Laugh is group atmosphere action”
Laughing alone is not like having laugh with group in big saloon, in our real life we can notice that: if two persons r telling each other jokes, won’t have fun as they were telling jokes among twenty person!!!

Comedy and Laughing is related directly with the Literature, culture, social, environment, and experiences of every one in the world.

Remarkable, two conditions must be presented in the comic equation to let the target laugh:

1. Must be known the paradox and comparing it with the real life and that relatively with the condition we said above about the backgrounds of the audience.

2. The audience knows and realizes the personality and actor’s situation of the laugh-maker.

Comedy is spoken or physically or mixed together these two options.

The main two target from the comedy whatever, cinema, book, T.V. program like sitcoms, first to make the people laugh, second to critique the things indirectly.

The philosophy of comedy says: Comedy determines for us such things we write but not see, hear but not listen, live but don’t know where and how.

Comedy from Greece word: KOMEDIA, which is mean THE HAPPY SONG, and in the ancient Greece comedy plays came after the tragedy plays were taking place in old Greece, like a reaction for balance the life and get happy.

Till 1913, nobody in Hollywood was ready to make ridiculous movies such as comedy movies; they were thinking come to the cinema to cry and get emotional and see the real life and facts.

But after that, they discovered, the cinema is completely an entertainment device, so people were coming to have fun, so step by step the companies and filmmakers started making comedy movies, and they noticed that with photograph and editing they could make great comic gags, or we can say the Slap stick comedy.

So the comedy started, and divided into two different periods

1. Silence Comedy Cinema
2. Talking Comedy Cinema

According to the must useful categorization of the different kinds of the Comedy, we have:

- Slap stick Comedy
- Political Comedy
- Musical Comedy
- Black Comedy
- Tragic Comedy
- Social-Critique Comedy
- Laughing Comedy

And as we mentioned before, big side of the gags and comic situations are located on the playing on the literature, language, grammar, and speaking, but the most effected comedy is the visual one, as Charlie Chaplin and Jim Cary doing.

In every comedy, three characters in the structure exist must be:

1. Environment and space- surround
2. Personification (including: acting, speaking, and physical movements)
3. Editing

And according to the conditions of the successful comedian film, must have these two characters:

Audience to expect the events and gags going to happen.
Audience to feel sorry and get emotional with the character in the film.

These two conditions play the way how the comedy movie effects on the ordinary audience, and the link between the two sided of the equation, so knowing and taking care of the background(psychology, social, cultural) of the audience, let the makers make the good comedy movies and get the people pacify.

Some film-critics explained that: The Audience during his watching comedy movies knows what will happen and he is going to get fooled, but he doesn’t know his reaction on this fooling how will be!!

In every comedian movie, audience has special feelings towards the main character in the film, so when Charlie Chaplin or Jim Carry falls down on the ground after stepping on a banana’s skin, we laugh, because we know it’s acting in a film, but if the audience just doubt a little bit it’s reality and Jim got hurt, he will get upset indeed.

People since the beginning of the cinema, were going to the cinema to see movements and acting, and to see comedy, Slapstick Comedy.

Slapstick, the beginning of the comedy cinema, in spit of it couldn’t keep its position in the cinema later, but people were waiting just to see the visual comic gags, or the slapstick, and with clever technical in photograph and editing, and so close to the reality was being making, and in slapstick the visual comedy is the most or alone comedian character in that period and till now in all the comedy movies in spite of the other option like the speaking or mental gags.

In T.V.:

After the popularity of the T.V. in the world, and its availability in every home, for all the layers variation, and get the T.V. the most entertainment device wanted, so the T.V. started making programs that make the audience happy and see more and more T.V. because of the money income for the TVs from the advertisements, so the comedy has been the most wanted and made on all the kinds of channels.

And of course after long experience of comedy films in the cinema, T.V. makers came and get these skills and increase and improve the ways and genres and other comedian characters.
In Television, because it’s for public using, that anyone in the society from different cultural, religion, background, political, age, sex, and environment, so they Television’s directors are obliged to pay attention to these difference at the audiences.
The main difference between the TV and cinema comedy in this: The cinema is group audiences setting together in big saloon get effected each one from the others under the same roof, but TV is property device, maybe for just a person of maxims a family, so to make one person set alone in front the TV is so much harder than those 200 for example set in the cinema’s saloon.

Another point, Television is an ritualization changer and has big influence in the society, so the comedy makers know that and try to not let the comedy they show over-dose or possibility to effect negatively on the people’s life way, and they call that extreme comedy, and this comedy may destroy the culture values.

In Television, not like the cinema, there’s ability to have different kinds of comedy.In cinema just long-comedy movie, but in Television we have: Comedian serials, short-films comedy, historical comedy, live programs, comedy reportages and documentaries, and another.

- END-

Written by: HaZeM

Movies I have seen so far.....!!!!

Few days ago, I was online chatting with my friend from Netherland, and she asked me for give her some names of good films to see in her vacation, so I got an idea after that to write down from now all the films I’ve seen.
Indeed, I started that from the next day, and I tried to remember as I could, till now, so I’ll complete my list as my memory will help me…. So everyday you will see the list is going to get longer and longer…………

List one:

The motorcycle Diaries
Phantom Of The Paradise
The Departed
Independence Day
The sixth sense
Pearl Harbor
Robin Hood: Prince of thieves
Basic instinct
American Pie: Part 1
American Pie: Part 2
American Pie: Part 3
Rush Hour: Part 1
Rush Hour: Part 2
Water World
Enemy of the state
A few good men
The English Patient
Minority Report
Interview with the vampire
Face off
Truman show
The Rock
Air con
The Patriot
Good Will Hunting
Scary Movie: Part 1
Scary Movie: Part 2
Scary Movie: Part 3
What Women want
Notting Hill
Elizabeth Town
21 Gram
Monaliza Smile
Blood Diamond
Birth Bewitched
The others
Practical Magic
Cold Mountains
Dead Man
The Quick and the Dead
House of Sand and Fog
Born on the fourth of July Platoon
The passion of the Christ
The Last Samorai
The Godfather: Part 1
The Godfather: Part 2
The Godfather: Part 3
There's Something about Mary
Kill Bill: Part 1
Kill Bill: Part 2
Dumb and Dumber
Silence of Lambs
Saturday Night Fever
Meet the Parents
A beautiful Mind
As Good as it Gets
Seven Years in Tibbat
Cast Away
Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le
Finding Neverland
Annie Hall
The Green Mile
The Green Mile
The Shawshank Redemption
Forrest Gump
Requiem for a Dream
Blind Chance
Runaway Bride
Boys Don’t Cry
8 mile
The Mask
Panic Room
Full metal Jacket
Shall we dance?
Spiderman: Part 1
Spiderman: Part 2
Terminator: Part 1
Terminator: Part 2
Terminator: Part 3

Sleepy Hollow
Angry Management
North Country
Broken Arrow
Bad Boys: Part 1
Bad Boys: Part 2
Saving Private Ryan
Batman Return
Johnny Guitar
Final Destination: Part 1
In her shoes
The Dukes of Hazzard
Match Point
Bantieue 13
Shooting Dogs
Hollywood Ending
Lair and Lair
Baby Million Dollar
Pretty Woman
The Black Hawk
The city of Angle
Almost Famous
kingdom of Heaven
The Lord of the Rings: Part 1
The Lord of the Rings: Part 2
The Lord of the Rings: Part 3
X-man 1
Hulk: Part 1

Matrix: Part 1
Matrix: Part 2
Matrix: Part 3

Last Tango in Paris
The Omen
Ring: Part 1
Ring: Part 2
West Beirut
Taxi Driver
Spy Game
Pretty Woman
Man With a Movie Camera
The Mask
The Mask of Zoro
The Pianist
Taxi: Part 1
Taxi: Part 2
Leon: The Professional
Rageh Inside Iran
The Family
Proof of life

Citizen Kane
Lord of war
Little Stewart: Part 1
El Cid
The Mummy
Mummy Returns
Eyes Wild Shut
Mission Impossible: Part 1
Mission Impossible: Part 2
Rain Man
Who am I?
War of world
Brother, where are thou?
Big Fish
Catch me if you can
Artificial Intelligent
Rambo: Part 1
Rambo: Part 2
Rambo: Part 3
Mr. & Ms. Smith

Die Another Day
Around the World in 80 Days
The Day After Tomorrow
King Kong
American Splendor
Maria Full of Grace
Jurassic Park
Batman Begins
Like Mike
Meet The Fockers
The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Supremacy
are we there yet?
King Arthur
The Girl Next Door
A Cinderella Story
War of the Worlds National Treasure
North Country
New York Minute
Tears of the Sun
The Village
15 minutes
Last Samurai
Pride and Prejudice
Laws of Attraction
Harbie, Fully loaded
Gangs of New York
Double Team
I am Sam
Ace Ventura: Part 2
Femme Fetal
Black Board

Favorite Websites!!!

Hi everybody,
I'd like to write down all the good sites which I’m using them often, and let the people know, what I’m interested in, and maybe they'll see these websites and use them as well, and of course day by day the list will get longer and longer too….