Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Important Work& The Blue Eyes

Hi dear reader, these two short-story I chose for you to read, actually I like its, they are from very nice book its name is: “A Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul”, it’s so nice book advice everyone to read its lovely short stories.
And the Authors of each story written below them, hope you will like that!!!!!

- HaZeM -

Important Work

The last to board the plane from Seattle to Dallas were a woman and three children. “Oh please don’t sit next to me,” I thought. “I have got so much work to do. “ But a moment later an eleven- year- old girl and her nine-year-old brother were climbing over me while the woman and a four-year-old boy sat behind. Almost immediately the older children started bickering whiles the child behind immediately kicked my seat. Every few minutes the boy would ask his sister, “Where are we now?” “Shut up”! She’d snap and a new round of squirming and whining would ensue.
“Kids have no concept of important work”, I thought, quietly resenting my predicament. Then in my mind a voice a clear as a song simply said, love them. “These kids are brats, and I’ve got important work to do”, I counted to myself. My inner voice simply replied; love them as if they were your children.
Having heard the “Where-are-me-now?” question repeatedly, I turned to the in-flight magazine map, in spite of my important work.
I explained our flight path, dividing it into quarter-hour flight increments and estimated when we would land in Dallas.
Soon they were telling me about their trip to Seattle to see their father who was in the hospital. As we talked they asked about flying, navigation, science, and grown-ups’ views about life. The time passed quickly and my “important” work was left undone.
As we were preparing to land, I asked how their father was doing now. They grew quiet and the boy simply said, “He died”. “Oh, I’m sorry”
“Yeah, me too. But it’s my little brother I’m most worried about. He’s taking it real hard.” I suddenly realized what we’d really been talking about was the most important work we ever face: living, loving and growing in spite of heart break. When we said good-bye in Dallas the boy shook my hand and thanked me for being his “airline teacher”. And I thanked him for being mine.

Written by: Dan S.Bagley

The Blue Rose

For years I became romantically involved with men who weren’t emotionally available or capable of making a long-term commitment. My relationships were full of pain. I wanted to get married so I knew I had to do something radically different.

One day I decided to pray. “God, I don’t know how to pick the right partner, so please, please choose my Divine Beloved for me, and prepare us both for our upcoming union. And God, just so I’m sure to know who you’ve chosen for me, let him somehow present me with a blue rose.”

Every day after that for five months I affirmed that my Divine Beloved was coming to me, and that we would recognize each other at the right time.
Every day I let go of a little more control and opened a little more to God loving me. And every day I looked for my blue rose.

Twelve days after I left my abusive boyfriend, I attended a networking luncheon where Alan Cohen was speaking. He spoke about the power each of us has to bless another human being. It touched me so deeply that when he invited us all to do a blessing exercise I was the first to find a partner.

Suddenly everything was quiet and a young blue-eyed man stood in front of me. We joined hands and gazed into each other’s eyes. Following the exercise I asked, “Will you bless me?” For several minutes he silently poured unconditional love and blessings onto me. He then asked, “Will you bless me?” and I returned the love. We didn’t say anything else to each other.

The exercise ended and we returned to our seats. I was in a daze. In a few minutes the young man returned and introduced himself as David Rose. I knew then that God himself had presented me with my blue-eyed Rose.
A year later me married.

Written by: Brenda Rose